Privacy Policy

Welcome to Tech Aid for Refugees, a remarkable non-profit educational platform and organization dedicated to providing assistance to immigrants in the USA.

Tech Aid for Refugees is not just an educational platform, but also a non-profit organization driven by the mission to support and empower immigrants in the United States. We are committed to helping individuals succeed in their educational pursuits and providing valuable resources to facilitate their integration into society.

At Tech Aid for Refugees, we are thrilled to offer you a wide range of support of your educational journey. Our website, apps, and other educational offerings are designed to help you succeed in your educational pursuits. By using our Services, you agree to these Terms of Use ("Terms"), which govern your interaction with our platform. If you download any software as part of our Services, these Terms also apply to any updates. Rest assured, we're here to answer any questions or provide further information if needed. Your satisfaction and understanding are our top priorities!

We want to make sure you're aware of some key provisions in these Terms. By using our Services, you agree to resolve any disputes or claims through arbitration, waive the right to a jury trial, and waive your right to participate in class action lawsuits against Tech Aid. However, please note that these arbitration terms may not apply if they are unenforceable under the laws of your country.

Please be assured that we prioritize your privacy and only collect essential information, such as your first name, last name, email address, and photo. We may use these photos on our promotional materials, including our website, brochures, and leaflets, without disclosing the identity of the individual unless the person specifically permits us to use their photo in their personal story, which they authorize us to publish on our website. Any data collected is used solely for analytical purposes, and we utilize Google Analytics for this purpose.

Let's dive into the details of using Tech Aid for Refugees:

1. Who Can Use Our Services
Our educational Services are specifically designed for residents of The United States who are 18 years of age or older. We kindly request that individuals under the age of 18 refrain from using our platform.

To utilize our Services, you must:
- Be able to enter into a binding agreement with Tech Aid for Refugees.
- Comply with these Terms, all applicable laws, and our policies (such as our Acceptable Use Policy, Honor Code, course-specific eligibility requirements, and any other relevant policies).
- Meet the age requirements for data processing consent.

Please note that any violation of our Terms, applicable laws, or Policies may result in the suspension, disablement, or termination of your access to all or part of our Services.

When creating your Tech Aid for Refugees account and using specific features, it is important to provide accurate and complete information. Please agree to keep this information updated to ensure its accuracy and completeness.

Free Education
Educational opportunities should be accessible to everyone, which is why we offer free educational resources through Tech Aid for Refugees. We are committed to removing financial barriers and ensuring that education is available to all, without any fees.

Thank you for joining our educational community! If you have any questions, concerns, or simply need some assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Our friendly team is here to support you on every step of your educational journey.

2. Educational Content Offerings
Changes to Content Offerings
At Tech Aid for Refugees, we take pride in offering in-house created educational courses and content, ensuring a unique and exclusive learning experience. Although we strive to maintain the highest quality, unforeseen circumstances may arise. Therefore, Tech Aid for Refugees reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, reschedule, or modify any of our Content Offerings, as well as adjust the weight or value of assignments, quizzes, or assessments. Such changes can be made independently or based on instructions from our Content Providers. Please note that our Content Offerings are subject to the Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability sections mentioned below.

• No Tuition Fees
We strongly believe that education should be accessible to all without financial barriers. Therefore, Tech Aid for Refugees offers free educational opportunities, and there are no tuition fees associated with participating in our Content Offerings. Our goal is to provide a learning experience that is both valuable and accessible to everyone.

• Disclaimer of Academic Credit
It is important to note that Tech Aid For Refugees does not provide any academic credits independently and does not act as an intermediary in obtaining these credits for students.

3. Your Educational Contributions

User Contributions
The Tech Aid for Refugees platform empowers you to share educational content, such as assignments, quizzes, exams, projects, and forum posts ("User Contributions"), exclusively with Tech Aid for Refugees, instructors, and/or other users. You retain all intellectual property rights to the User Contributions you create and share. It's important to note that User Contributions exclude course content or materials placed onto the Tech Aid for Refugees platform by or on behalf of Content Providers or their instructors. Such Content Offerings are subject to relevant agreements between Tech Aid for Refugees and Content Providers.

Please note that we reserve the right to remove or modify User Contributions for any reason, including violations of our Terms and other policies, such as our Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct.

4. Security

Safeguarding the security of our users is a paramount concern for Tech Aid for Refugees. While we work diligently to protect your account and associated information, we cannot guarantee immunity against attempts by unauthorized third parties to breach our security measures. Promptly notify us of any account compromise or unauthorized use by emailing

5. Third-Party Educational Content

As a nonprofit educational platform creating exclusive content, Tech Aid for Refugees provides access to materials crafted by our instructors and learners. You won't encounter third-party content, ensuring a secure and objectionable material-free learning environment within our Services. We disclaim any responsibility or liability related to your access or use of external content, as our platform is dedicated to delivering our unique educational resources.

6. Copyright and Trademark

Respecting intellectual property rights is foundational at Tech Aid for Refugees. With our exclusive content creation, users, Content Providers, and third parties alike are expected to uphold these standards while using our Services. Our Copyright and Trademark Policy aligns with relevant laws.

7. Free and Paid Services from Tech Aid for Refugees

As a nonprofit educational platform, Tech Aid for Refugees is dedicated to providing free educational opportunities. We do not charge fees for learning through our platform.

8. Modifying or Terminating our Services

Tech Aid for Refugees is committed to continual improvement and adaptation of our Services. We may introduce or remove functions, features, or requirements, and we reserve the right to suspend or discontinue part or all of our Services. Consequently, Tech Aid for Refugees may terminate your use of any Service for various reasons. You have the freedom to discontinue using our Services at any time, although we will regret seeing you leave.

9. Disclaimers

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Services and all included content are provided "as is," without any warranty, whether express or implied. The Tech Aid for Refugees Parties explicitly disclaim all warranties and conditions. They further disclaim any liability related to your access or use of the Services or any related content. You acknowledge and agree that any access to or use of the Services or such content is at your own risk.

10. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Tech Aid for Refugees shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, or any loss of profits, revenues, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from: (a) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the Services; (b) any conduct or content of any party other than the applicable Tech Aid for Refugees Party; or (c) unauthorized access, use, or alteration of your content or information.

You acknowledge and agree that the disclaimers and limitations of liability set forth in this Terms of Use reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between you and Tech Aid for Refugees.

11. Export Controls

By engaging with Tech Aid for Refugees' Services, you affirm that you are not situated in, under the control of, a national of, or ordinarily resident in any country subject to applicable U.S. laws, regulations, or your local jurisdiction's laws, preventing Tech Aid for Refugees from providing you access to the Services. Your physical location determines this. Usage of virtual private network services, IP routing services, or similar methods to circumvent these laws is strictly prohibited.

Furthermore, you warrant that you are not named on, or controlled by anyone on, any government prohibited, denied, unverified-party, sanctions, debarment, or exclusion list, or export-controlled related restricted party list (collectively, “Sanctions Lists”). Immediate discontinuation of your use of the Services is required if you, or a controlling party, are placed on any Sanctions List. You also assure that you will not export, re-export, or transfer the Services to any country embargoed by the U.S. or to an entity or person on any Sanctions List, or use the services in violation of applicable laws.

Notwithstanding anything contrary in these Terms, Tech Aid for Refugees may suspend performance or terminate further obligations immediately if you breach the obligations in this section, or if continuing to provide our Services to you might, at our sole discretion, result in commercial or reputational harm.

12. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Tech Aid for Refugees from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, and damages (to the extent attributable to you under applicable law), including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. This indemnification applies to claims related to: (a) your use or attempted use of the Services in violation of these Terms; (b) your violation of any law or rights of any third party; or (c) User Content, including any claim of infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property or other proprietary rights.

13. Governing Law and Venue

The Services, managed by Tech Aid for Refugees, adhere to these Terms and are located in Contra Costa County, California. You consent that these Terms are governed by the laws of the State of California, excluding its conflicts of law provisions. In case of a dispute related to these Terms, not subject to binding arbitration, you and Tech Aid for Refugees submit to the personal jurisdiction and exclusive venue in federal and state courts located in Contra Costa County, California, as the legal forum for such disputes.

14. General Terms

Revisions to the Terms:
We retain the discretion to revise these Terms at any time, any changes to the Terms become effective immediately upon posting. For substantial changes, we'll make reasonable efforts to notify you through methods like website banners, email notifications, or other means. Your continued use of the Services, with or without notification, constitutes binding acceptance of the revised Terms.